Plan news Trustee

Administration update

As your Trustee, we are supported by several professional advisers or organisations who are experts in providing specific services. One of these organisations, Equiniti, provides administration support. By this we mean they maintain records of what benefits members have built up in the Plan, calculate what those members (or their dependants) receive, answer any questions members may have and process the actual payment of the benefits – as monthly pensions, cash sums or transfers to other arrangements.

Whilst all the Plan’s advisers have important roles, our Administrator is the one our members are most likely to have contact with. Therefore, their role is especially important.

We regularly review the services provided by our Administrator and include as part of this review any feedback you or your fellow members may have provided. 

From time to time, we may also look at who else could deliver this service and benchmark what they could offer against the current service Equiniti provides. We are currently undertaking one of these exercises. There is a lot to consider so the process may take several months to complete. 

Look out for further updates over the coming months.