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Plan news Funding Investment Tax & Legislation Trustee Image of Discretionary increases

Discretionary increases

Depending on your communication preference, we recently sent to you either an email or letter about Discretionary increases within the Plan. A copy of the content from this is shown here. 
Tax & Legislation Image of Lifetime Allowance changes explained

Lifetime Allowance changes explained

Since 2006, pension savings have been subject to a Lifetime Allowance (LTA), which placed a limit on the overall value you can build up across all your pensions before having to pay additional tax.
Tax & Legislation Image of Update on the Lifetime Allowance

Update on the Lifetime Allowance

Since 2006, pension savings have been subject to a Lifetime Allowance (LTA), which places a limit on the overall value you can build up across all your pensions before having to pay additional tax. For the 2022/23 tax year, the LTA stood at £1,073,000. 
Tax & Legislation Image of Pension updates from the Autumn Statement

Pension updates from the Autumn Statement

On 22 November 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Autumn Statement, setting out the Government’s key commitments and objectives for the UK economy. The announcement contained some measures that could affect your pension planning.
Plan news Tax & Legislation Image of GMP Equalisation update and new benefit options

GMP Equalisation update and new benefit options

If you’re currently receiving a pension from the Plan, you should have received a pack through the post relating to Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) Equalisation.
Tax & Legislation Image of What does the Spring Budget mean for your pension?

What does the Spring Budget mean for your pension?

On Wednesday 15th March 2023, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Budget, which included the biggest shake-up in the taxation of pensions for over a decade. The Annual Allowance is being increased by 50% and there are plans to abolish the Lifetime Allowance altogether.
Tax & Legislation Image of State Pension Increase information

State Pension Increase information

The State Pension increased by 3.1% at the start of April 2022. For those who reached the State Pension age after April 2016, this means a rise in the full State Pension of £5.55 a week, to £185.15.
Plan news Blogs & Podcasts Tax & Legislation Image of Welcome to our first Trustee blog of 2022

Welcome to our first Trustee blog of 2022

As a Trustee Board, we’ll be posting regular blogs throughout the year to keep you up to date with all the latest news and goings on with the HP Retirement Benefits Plan.  
Tax & Legislation Image of Budget update – limits on pension

Budget update – limits on pension

There was only one change to the limits on pension savings in the March 2021 Budget Statement
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